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Men's jewelry

When it comes time to buy jewelry for men


Jewelry has never been the domain of women and throughout history men from a variety of peoples and cultures have also worn jewelry. Even today there are quite a few men who wear jewelry like necklaces or bracelets. At the same time, for those who want to buy a piece of jewelry for a man, it is better to know which jewelry is recommended for men, how a piece of jewelry is suitable for a man and what the prices of these pieces of jewelry are.


What jewelry is recommended to purchase for a man


Aside from wedding ring and watches, today’s market offers different types of jewelry for men and especially noticeable is the demand for necklaces and bracelets. For example can be found  For men a rich selection of necklaces with pendants in different designs and themes, whether a pendant with a traditional image like a hamsa or a Star of David, or a pendant with a modern design like a stripe necklace or a necklace with a panoramic cube. In the field of bracelets, especially fashionable nowadays for men are silver bracelets that combine good stones in dark shades like blue, green, black and gray, as well as hard silver bracelets with personal engraving.


What you should know before buying jewelry for a man


Before buying jewelry for a man there are a number of things that are worth understanding and finding out in advance. First of all, it is worthwhile to understand which piece of jewelry will suit the man for whom it is intended in terms of type of jewelry, its design style and in terms of fit to size. You should also pre-define a price range for buying the jewelry and look for reliable and recommended sources to purchase it. In addition, think about the message you want to convey with the piece of jewelry depending on the nature of your relationship with the man and the event for which you are giving it. For example, a piece of jewelry given by a partner can be in the form of a pair of his and her necklaces, each of which has a personal engraving. Also, as a birthday gift for a close friend, you can choose a fashionable silver bracelet with gems, while for the child's bar mitzvah, you can buy a necklace on a Star of David pendant with a personal dedication.


How to match a piece of jewelry to a man


In the last decade, the men's jewelry market has gained momentum and offers a rich selection of stylish, high-quality, fashionable and unique items. From this selection, choose suitable jewelry that meets a number of main parameters:


  • Favorite jewelry - Every man has a type of jewelry that he prefers and others that he will not wear, that are uncomfortable or suitable for him. For example, some men only go with necklaces while others prefer to go with a bracelet on the wrist.

  • Personality - the jewelry should be tailored to the personality of the man, whether he likes prominent and thick items, simple or complex jewelry, delicate and modest and the like.

  • Appearance - The jewelry must also be matched to the man's appearance and style of dress, whether it is a man who adheres to tailored clothing, a man who wears fashionable clothing, a man with a drop look and the like.

  • Sizes - When choosing a piece of jewelry, make sure that it fits the size of the man for whom it is intended. For example, a necklace is required to fit the circumference of the man's neck so that you do not suffocate him and a bracelet is required to adjust to the circumference of the wrist in a way that is not too tight or loose.


What is the price of jewelry for men


As with women's jewelry, for men's jewelry the asking price is not uniform and it varies depending on the type of jewelry chosen, the materials from which it is made, the complexity of its preparation and whether it is a custom jewelry. Beyond that, the prices of jewelry for men vary according to the costs requested by various companies, brands and jewelry designers operating in the market. Therefore, in order to win quality and unique jewelry for a man at an affordable price, it is recommended to make a price comparison before purchasing it.

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